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Dental Implants

Missing Teeth? Now you can grow new ones!  With dental implants you can replace one or more missing teeth, and smile again with confidence.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant consists of two parts, a titanium post that functions as a tooth's root, and a crown, which is its visible portion. First, your dentist or an oral surgeon will place the post at the site of the missing tooth. After given sufficient time to heal, typically several months, the post will become fully integrated into your jaw. After this process, a crown will be placed on top of the post. The implant will look and function like a genuine tooth and will blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

Implants can also be used to support full dentures. Unlike conventional dentures, which attach to the jaw with a suction effect, an implant supported denture snaps onto attachments on a pair of implants and is held securely in place.  While ill-fitting conventional dentures can be painful and cause problems with eating and speaking, an implant supported denture sits comfortably in place and will not slip and move.

Many people with missing teeth qualify for implant treatment. Some of the determining factors are: A sufficient amount of good quality bone, good oral hygiene and good general health.
Your dentist can help you determine if implants are the right choice for you. Every case of missing teeth is unique so make an appointment with your dentist to review the procedure that would be best suited for your individual situation.