Call us directly: (914) 737-1911

1019 Park Street Suite 201 Peekskill, NY 10566

Teeth Whitening

Over time, our teeth gradually turn a shade of yellow. This can be due to many factors including beverages such coffee, tea, wine and cola, as well as diet and smoking. An easy solution to this dilemma is a popular cosmetic procedure called teeth whitening.

In our office, we will create for you a custom made set of thin,clear plastic trays which will fit directly over your teeth. You will wear these trays along with a whitening solution in the comfort of your home. In order to see significant results, you will need to wear the trays for approximately one half hour per day, for approximately 2 weeks.   It should be noted that your existing fillings, bondings, or crowns will not change color and may need to be replaced to match your new, whiter teeth.